Novinky Odborné články 7.10.2021

SLEDUJTE NAŽIVO: CEE Digital Summit Warsaw 2021

Začal sa CEE Digital Summit Warsaw 2021.

Slovensko na konferencii reprezentuje prvý viceprezident ITAS Mário Lelovský ako jeden z účastníkov diskusného panelu k digitálnej transformácii biznisu. Konferenciu môžete sledovať naživo  na YouTube, panel s Máriom Lelovským sa začína o 16:15.

CEE Digital Summit Warsaw 2021 is a meeting of the leaders of digitisation from across Central Eastern Europe. The Summit brings together the digital sector, tech companies, experts in the field and policymakers engaged in digital transformation from the region, providing them with a platform to discuss the future of the digital economy of CEE, challenges ahead of us and means for deeper, digital cooperation.
During the second edition of regional event, composed of four theme panels and off-stage discussions, CEE Digital Summit’s participants will address the issues of the regulatory landscape affecting the digital industry, CEE’s transatlantic relations, state of adoption and development of cutting-edge technology – including AI and IoT – in the region, its path to digital transformation of small and medium enterprises as well as development of 5G mobile networks and the prospects for building a resilient cybersecurity industry across Central Eastern Europe.
Guests of the CEE Digital Summit Warsaw 2021 will include 14 industry organisations from 11 countries of the Three Seas Initiative, Belarus and Ukraine, governmental representatives from the region as well as partners engaged in transatlantic relations of the Initiative, tech companies and academics.

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